
The Negative ion and Hair styling iron

Nowadays, more and more hair styling iron use the Negative ion generator to improve the utility and efficacy of the hair styling iron.

Negative ion is very good for human health, fresh environmental makes your brain fresh, breathing ease and conformable, On the contrary, noise, congestion makes us feel uncomfortable.

Normally, we need about 13 billion negative ion every single day, People will feel tired when the demands exceeds supply.

The advantages of negative ion:
1 Reinforce your brain nervous system;
2 Improve your cardiovascular;
3 Increase the oxygen on your (heart) blood vessel;
4 Improving and Increasing the lung function, and be good at the breathing system;
5 Be good for your digestion, internal secretion, metabolism,sport and immune, system.
6 It’s very good for skin care and health.

Then, Why people like the hair styling iron with generator ion generator?
Because the generator ion can enhance the humidity. Generally, the surface of the hair just like the spread scales, and the generator ion closing the spread scales up, and makes your hair looks more shinning, in at the same time, neutralize the static electricity between the hair to prevent the hair damage.

More negative ion generator hair styling iron, we could visit:www.hairstraightenersupplier.com

